How To Get Media Attention For Your Business: The Complete Guide

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By Samantha Jacobson, Founder of TenXPR

As a founder or business owner, you likely have an important message to share, but does the thought of sharing your message with an audience on any forum make you more overwhelmed than you’d like to admit? And does the thought of choosing which forum to share your message with overwhelm you even more?

First, it’s 100% normal to feel overwhelmed, and maybe even a little bit scared! But I’m telling you – the incredible benefits of garnering the world’s attention with your business’s message will always outweigh how overwhelming and scary it may seem. And just like anything scary, the more often you do it, the more you get accustomed to it, and the more it becomes second nature.

If you’re ready to garner media attention as part of your business’s public relations or brand marketing efforts, this article has all of the tips and tricks you need to know to get all eyes on your business. Keep scrolling for the complete guide:

5 Benefits of Getting Media Attention for Your Business: 

Increased Awareness About Your Business

This is a big one and the whole point of your PR and brand marketing efforts in the first place! The more exposure you gain for your business, the more conversation you create around it, and the more invested your audience will become. 

Connection with Your Audience 

Building a connection with your audience is one of the most rewarding benefits of all. Doing this successfully means engaging with others in a way that makes them want to learn more, tell a friend, and hopefully become a consumer who is invested in your business.

More Credibility 

Part of spreading the word about your business is to ensure your message is not only interesting but genuine and factually accurate – the recipe to building credibility! When you have built credibility through media exposure, you can use it as a powerful tool to increase ROI for your business by garnering even more awareness, generating more sales, building your social media presence, growing your email list, and so much more.

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Build a Rapport 

Building your business’s rapport with the media and with your audience means backing up your message with facts and relatable points. It also involves weaving in relatability and even vulnerability where possible to reach consumers on a human level.

Save Money

Most media exposure is a form of earned media, which in the broadest sense, is any publicity or awareness that is organically generated. For example, when a producer chooses to cover your business on their network and asks you to appear for an interview, that is earned media. It’s also the opposite of paid media in which you pay for PR placements, branded content, website, banner ad clicks, etc. Networks will charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for up to 5-minute integrated segments, but earned media is FREE. However, it’s important to note that reaping the benefits of earned media doesn’t just happen overnight – it takes work, time, and patience!

5 Methods For Getting Media Attention for Your Business

Social Media Social Media and Mental Health

Social media has become a staple in every PR and brand marketing campaign, however, most people think their business will go viral by creating just one or two posts. This is not true. In fact, the chances of one of your posts going viral are 50/50, sometimes even less. Instead, think of social media as a way to build rapport with your audience, which, just like any connection, takes time and patience. Use social media platforms to gain the media’s attention and bring attention to your business, create conversation, and build trust with your consumer base.

Television News Interviews

While a TV interview on the news is one of the oldest forums for getting publicity attention, it has remained a reliable and beneficial source for getting your message across. A news interview is a fantastic way to bring attention to your business either on a national level or on a local level within your home state and city. The best part? TV news interviews are a form of earned media, which means they are FREE.

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Television Commercials or Ads 
Radio or Podcast Interviews 

You might be wondering why I’ve included radio as a way to garner media attention, but unlike what many think, radio is still very much alive. In fact, radio reaches 92% of U.S. adults every single week! At the same time, podcasts continue to grow. Right now, there are approximately 100 million podcast listeners in the U.S. alone. 

Writing an Article 

There are websites and blogs that allow you to write guest articles for payment or for free, so do some research and write an article about your business! Medium is a very popular one and one worth looking into. 

8 Quick Tips for Getting Media Attention for Your Business

Build a Rapport with Reporters

Do this by following them on social media, interacting with them through their postings, or sending an occasional DM complimenting them on their work. Make sure they have the right impression of you and your business when interacting with them; be genuine and ensure there is no malicious intent behind wanting to interact with them.

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Gather Contact Information

Determine which reporters, podcasts, or news sites you would like to interview with. Search their social media platforms and websites and make a list of their contact information. Doing this will take away one less thing you will have to do later and serve as a reference point for whom you want to relay the message to your business. 

Brainstorm, Practice, Pitch 

Brainstorm how you want to pitch yourself to the media in order to win over their attention. Think about what is “newsworthy” right now and then form your business around the news to garner the media’s interest. After determining what is “newsworthy,” think about your target audience and how the news relates to each other. Then, practice your pitch as much as possible until you feel comfortable enough to say it to the interviewer.

Determine Media Method(s)

Once you’ve brainstormed your pitch, determined your target audience, and practiced your pitch, it’s time to determine which media platforms are best suited for your business and the audience you want to reach. It’s important to be open to a variety of platforms – you never know who is paying attention!

Practice Speaking to Reporters

Once you’ve determined the media platform, practice speaking to a reporter in the mirror, or even a friend or a family member. If you practice with someone else, have them ask you mock interview questions about your business. Make sure you are not only practicing your message – it’s crucial to practice speaking in a calm and respectful demeanor as well.

Remember: The Reporters Are Doing Their Jobs! getty 508852084 364873

When it comes time for the interview, remember, first and foremost, that the interviewee is only doing their job, which is conducting an interesting and engaging interview for their audience. They’re going to ensure this by asking you specific questions, even questions that you may not want to answer. No matter what happens, keep a calm manner and remain entirely respectful the whole way through. 

Thank Them After the Interviews

Remember, having a relationship with members of the media is your window to garnering media exposure. If you want to continue getting your business’s message across to the public, you must remain friendly with the reporters who were involved with your interview. Thank them after the interview and show them how much you appreciate them for taking the time to be interested in spreading the message of your business.  

Continue to Spread Your Business’s Message

Garnering media attention never happens overnight. It takes time to generate awareness. Make sure that you are spreading your business’s message through social media and all of your other platforms, pitching you and your business for more interviews, and continuing to be honest, authentic, and transparent about your message along the way. Most important of all, remember to stay hopeful and patient. It will all be worth it!

The truth is, this guide just scratches the surface of what it takes to garner media attention for your business. That’s why I created this FREE step-by-step guide to teach you every single thing I know about achieving media success!
Download my FREE e-book here and you’ll garner media attention in no time: 5 PR Hacks You Can Use Right Now to Get On TV, Attract More Leads, Position Yourself as a Trusted Authority, and Dominate Your Competition (And What NOT To Do).

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